教区护理是由路德教会的牧师. 格兰杰·韦斯特伯格在20世纪80年代早期. 他承认,几个世纪以来,教会通过礼拜促进了健康和完整, 音乐, sharing and caring and that it is the only human institution in our society that interacts with individuals from birth through death. 信仰社区/教区护士的存在促进了一种有意识的卫生服务. 信仰社区护理是一个护理专业,有自己的范围和实践标准. 今天,fcn服务于各种环境和人群. The commonality is their work focuses on the intentional care of the spirit of the population that they serve.
A Faith Community Nurse is a registered nurse (RN) who has had educational preparation in wholistic ministry and who provides special health promotion services within a given faith community. 她/他帮助个人获得最佳的心理状态, physical 和精神ual health by complementing the ministry provided by the Pastor(s) and other lay ministers. They may function in paid and unpaid positions as members of the pastoral team in a variety of religious faiths, 文化, 和国家. 他们的工作重点是对精神的有意关怀, 协助信仰团体的成员维持及/或重获身体的完整, 心, 和精神. 信仰社区护士根据会众的需要提供不同的服务.
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学’s 埃莉诺韦德卡斯特护理学院 is proud to support the role of Faith Community Nurses in our community by offering our innovative program with The 信仰基础社区护士课程.
2024年10月17日- 11月8日
For more information, see the Foundations of 信仰社区护理 tab or email Rosalie Lewis at fcn@hbweilan.net.
The role of the Faith Community Nurse varies based on the size and identified needs of the congregation.
- 检查血压、胆固醇、糖尿病、青光眼和整体健康状况
- 为所有年龄组提供有关健康问题的课程(例如.g., advance directives, nutrition, exercise, parenting, elderly parents care, stress management, CPR)
- 医院、护理院和家访,以评估保健需要
- 特别的祷告和治疗服务
- 转介到适当的社区资源
- 通过时事通讯、公告或信息板提供健康提示
健康教育 它促进了一种适合所有年龄段的人的氛围, 通过各种教育活动, 可以探究价值观之间的关系吗, 的态度, 生活方式, 信仰与健康.
个人健康咨询 to 与个人讨论健康问题和问题. 根据需要进行家庭、医院和疗养院的访问.
让推荐 对其他教会资源以及在整个社区中发现的资源.
坐标的志愿者 by recruiting and coordinating resources within the congregation to serve in various health ministries.
发展支援小组 对于信仰团体的成员和来自外部团体的人.
提倡健康生活 的工作 客户端, faith community and primary health resources to provide what is in the best interest of the client from a whole person perspective.
帮助教友了解信仰与健康的关系 in 所有活动和联系, the faith community nurse seeks to promote the understanding of the relationship between 信仰与健康.
- H 健康顾问和推动者(提供筛查诊所或健康博览会)
- E ducator of wholistic health (seeks to promote understanding of the relationship between 生活方式, 的态度, 信仰与幸福)
- A 倡导者/资源/转介代理人(回答与保健有关的问题)
- L 联络社区服务(将个人转介至适当的社区机构)
- T eacher of volunteer/support groups (educates on health and wellness topics and supports volunteers)
- H 精神振奋者, 作为教会的一员,他的身心尽忠, 并与牧师合作, 符合教会整体疗愈的使命).
- Provide hands on care (the FCN makes referrals to Home 健康 or other community agency to provide direct care).
- Replace the other active ministries already present within a congregation; rather complements the work of the clergy and ministerial team.
- 为护士提供了将信仰与促进健康结合起来的机会.
- 提供机会和许可来处理个人的精神关怀.
- 将教会护士的角色正规化为受过教育的信仰社区护士.
- 为以信仰为基础的会众的健康提供一个已知和可信赖的资源.
- Allows a nurse to work full- or part-time in one nurse position while offering the opportunity to also work as a part-time FCN – either paid or unpaid
- 为住院病人提供额外的社区资源
- 这是一个很棒的事工!
十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学, 埃莉诺韦德卡斯特护理学院, 信仰社区护士证书课程, 的信息, 联系信仰社区护士教育协调员, 罗莎莉·刘易斯MSN, MS, RN在 fcn@hbweilan.net.
卫生部协会 is recognized as the only national professional membership organization for Faith Community Nurses.
基督教护士团契 is an organization which supports nurses in integrating their Christian faith with their nursing practice.
韦斯特伯格信仰社区护理研究所 是属灵关怀协会下属的事工吗.
欲了解更多信息,请全球最大的博彩平台 fcn@hbweilan.net.
这个培训, 专门为卫生部设计的, 已经发展到了解重点,并在护理专业提供指导. 基础课程是34分.5小时的课程,重点是FCN实践所需的入门级知识. This course is a blended format with classroom and online work to complete the requirements for CE. 它的单元包括灵性、专业、整体健康和社区. This Foundations of 信仰社区护理 Curriculum course is based on the curriculum developed through the Westberg Institute in 2019. 韦斯特伯格研究所是精神关怀协会的一个部门. The Foundations for FCNs Course is offered at 十大正规博彩网站评级博彩平台推荐大学 as well as other sites across the nation. 看到 WestbergInstitute.org 了解其他产品或更多信息.
The FCN Foundations Curriculum was developed from a Judeo–Christian theological framework of care and is applicable to and respectful of other faith traditions. 它包括社会文化和地理多样性,包括种族, 性别, 生活方式, 性取向, 以及信仰传统. (基础2019课程,导论vii)
- FCN基础课程将于2024年10月17日至11月8日举行
即将举行的课程详情如下: 这是一门混合式课程,四天的课程是亲自授课,其余的课程将在网上进行. 最后一节课在11月8日, 2024年也将亲自上阵, 下午会为你举行一个落成典礼, 你的朋友, 家庭, 和神职人员.
34.5 CEs 将赢得全面参与. This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Northeast Multistate Division, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on 认证. 该课程基于威斯特伯格学院开发的2019年课程, 精神关怀协会的一个部门.
成本: 约. $425(另加$46的手册,您将单独购买)
- 持有注册护士执照
- 证明属灵的成熟
- 神职人员参考表格
- 基本的计算机技能
- 拥抱信仰和健康的整合作为核心的信仰社区护士的角色
- 作为一名信仰社区的新手护士,展示自己的知识、态度和技能
- 确定一个持续发展和支持的网络
- Commit to continued spiritual formation to more effectively understand and carry out the Faith
- 社区护士角色
这是一门混合课程. 主题包括但不限于:
- 信仰社区护士的功能
- 整体治疗和信仰与健康的联系
- 祈祷
- 以部长团队运作
- 精神上的关怀
- 信仰社区护士的道德和法律考虑
- 开始一个成功的信仰社区护士事工
信仰社区护理表格 & 信息
到全球最大的博彩平台注册这门课程, please forward the following forms to the Faith Community Nurse Education Coordinator by email fcn@hbweilan.net .
领导 & 协调网络研讨会系列
The 领导 and 协调网络研讨会系列 is newly brought to you by Westberg Institute and the Spiritual Care Association.
The Westberg Institute and Spiritual Care Association have come together to offer the Online Education Webinar Series. This series has 8 modules that are offered individually or in a group — with or without CEs. The discussion and group component of these webinars is offered on Yammer — a Knowledge Sharing Platform managed by Westberg Institute.
After completing the eight core modules of the 领导 and Coordination for Faith Community Nurse Practice Series, 参与者将:
- Integrate the knowledge gained into a basic development plan following best-practice standards.
- 通过完成不同内容的特定活动来展示能力.
- Achieve a certificate of completion and recognition as a Westberg Institute affiliated Coordinator.
- Participate in the international community of FCN leaders and coordinators to share insight and support for continued practice development.
- 通过指导和指导fcn影响专业实践, 向非护士领导展示实践的好处, 通过伙伴关系促进可持续发展, 收入来源, 资金来源.